In Jdeveloper we can create schemas using Schema Designer, but there is no option to print the schema. Visual Schema Print will help in design discussions with functional/technical folks as they see the structure in visual rather than looking at source. This will be good for documentation purpose as well..
This Plugin adds this capability.
How to use
Follow the Instructions on
How Install Plugin from Update Center
Follow the Instructions on
How Install Plugin Manually
How Install Plugin From Update Center
Install the plugin as you would normally install any plugin in Jdeveloper. If you do not know or this is the first time follow the instruction below.
Click on "Check For Updates" on Help Toolbar
Select "Open Source adn Partner Extensions" and click on "Next"
Scroll down to find "Print/Save XML Schema", select checkbox and click Next.
Click on "Finish"
Click on "Yes" and restart JDeveloper
How Install Plugin Manually
Download the plugin from below link and save.
Click on "Check For Updates" on Help Toolbar
Click on "Next" on the following page
Select "Install From Local Files" and browse to where you saved the plugin.
Click on "Finish"
Click on "Yes" and restart JDeveloper
How to Use
Open any schema and right click on the designer you will see the "As PDF, As JPG" pr
"As Print" that's it.